Meet the twins and their families

Nate, and Darla, along with Ashton, Rhya, Breanna, Brielle, and Calden live on one side of 320th Ave.

Kevin and Kayla, along with Meadow, Aiden, Sofie, and Atlas live on the other side of 320th Ave.

The two farms include 145 acres of fields, pastures, forests, a woodsy cabin, camping sites, and a restored quarry.

Our families share a passion of raising meat that nourishes the land and you folks who consume it!

We offer our lifestyle to YOU and your KIDS through camps, classes, camping, and on farm meat pickup (or local delivery).

© Husom and Rose

How’d we get here?

Darla and Kayla were 5 years old when their parents moved their family of six to a 200 acre farm in rural Wisconsin.

From that day on, they were dressing up farm cats, blazing trails, raising pigs and chickens, reading books by babbling brooks, tending to pet guinea pigs and goats, fencing in pastures for cows, putting on plays atop flatbed trucks, and hanging on for dear life as they tried to figure out how to ride their rambunctious horse.


The youngsters spent endless summer days plucking green beans grown from their mama’s rich garden soils of bluff country. They tasted the salty beads of sweat mixed with hay dust while riding the ole’ neighbor’s bumpy hay wagon. They learned that nourishing food required TIME, SWEAT, and DEVOTION.

Darla and Kayla had childhood dreams of owning a farm business together, and in 2017, that dream came to fruition!


The Lesters (Darla’s family) have been homesteading since 2013. They raise their kids in the healthiest way possible for the body and soul. This led to a family milk cow, meat goats and chickens, grassfed beef, free range hens, guardian dogs, vegetable gardens, permaculture plots, baling hay, homeschooling, and everything that popped up along the way!


In 2017, the neighboring farm came up for sale and they knew this was their chance to farm together and raise country kids alongside each other.

Kevin and Kayla and their kids moved into the farmhouse across the road and the two families have been farming together ever since!


Darla, Kayla, and their families combine forces to bring you fresh, family friendly meats. You can taste the rich, sun kissed flavor in every bite of rabbit, lamb, beef, pork, turkey, or chicken that graces your family’s taste-buds.

YOU are valued in this style of farming, and are welcomed here with open arms. To BREATHE under one of our trees. To CONNECT to like-minded souls through our classes and camps. To LEARN forgotten skills. To TASTE something worth eating for your wellness.

© Husom and Rose

© Husom and Rose